Every time I run beet update, I get the same list of changes. I’ve copied and diffed the output to verify–it’s the same every time. I have over 2200 lines of changes like the following:
Bruce Springsteen - Greatest Hits - Glory Days
albumartist: Al Green -> Bruce Springsteen
genre: R&B/Soul -> Rock
year: 1973 -> 1984
month: 04 -> 06
day: 01 -> 04
It appears that beets originally imported the files incorrectly, and is trying to fix the problem. Am I correct in assuming that beets is having trouble saving the changes to the DB? Any suggestions to fix it?
When I run update with triple verbose output, I don’t see any messages regarding trouble saving:
Bruce Springsteen - Greatest Hits - Glory Days
albumartist: Al Green -> Bruce Springsteen
genre: R&B/Soul -> Rock
year: 1973 -> 1984
month: 04 -> 06
day: 01 -> 04
Sending event: before_item_moved
Sending event: item_moved
Sending event: database_change
Sending event: database_change
Sending event: database_change
Other info:
I’m running beets in a FreeBSD jail on a FreeNAS server
The database file itself is writable, and is getting updated: -rwxrwxrwx+ 1 beets beets 7208960 Jan 19 12:33 beetslib.db
I think the most likely explanation here is that one track on the album has different metadata from the remaining tracks. By default, beets thinks these album-level attributes should not vary across tracks, so after the update these non-uniformities get overridden.
Maybe a beet write on this one album would help eliminate the infinite loop?
@adrian thanks for the suggestion. Apologies for the noob question, but how do I determine what files to beet write? If I run beet info "glory days", I don’t see anything tagged as Al Green, R&B/Soul, etc:
$ beet info "glory days"
/mnt/Beethoven/Music/Library/Bruce Springsteen/Greatest Hits [1975]/10 Glory Days.flac
album: Greatest Hits
art: False
artist: Bruce Springsteen
bitdepth: 16
bitrate: 1022945
channels: 2
composer: Bruce Springsteen
date: 1984-01-01
disc: 1
disctotal: 1
encoder: X Lossless Decoder 20181019
format: FLAC
genre: Rock
genres: Rock
length: 229.16
samplerate: 44100
title: Glory Days
track: 10
tracktotal: 18
year: 1984
/mnt/Beethoven/Music/Library/Compilations/Greatest Hits [595]/10 Glory Days.m4p
album: Greatest Hits
albumartist: Bruce Springsteen
art: True
artist: Bruce Springsteen
artist_sort: Bruce Springsteen
bitdepth: 16
bitrate: 134314
channels: 2
comp: True
composer: Bruce Springsteen
date: 1984-06-04
day: 4
disc: 1
disctotal: 1
format: AAC
genre: Rock
genres: Rock
length: 228.06639455782312
month: 6
rg_track_gain: -7.06
rg_track_peak: 0.999969
samplerate: 44100
title: Glory Days
track: 10
tracktotal: 18
year: 1984