Tracks are not calculated properly for a "Data CD"

As I’m not sure if this is really a bug, I’ll post it here first.

When I’m using “Data CD” as the medium (e.g. for an MP3 Album) beets does not calculate the tracks properly:

Tagging Robert Harris - Konklave
Searching for discovered album ID: ef441de2-de8a-4033-bbd9-751c8acdf161
Requesting MusicBrainz release ef441de2-de8a-4033-bbd9-751c8acdf161
secondary MB release type(s): audiobook
Sending event: albuminfo_received
Candidate: Robert Harris - Konklave (ef441de2-de8a-4033-bbd9-751c8acdf161)
No tracks.
Album ID match recommendation is Recommendation.none
Search terms: Robert Harris - Konklave
Album might be VA: False
Searching for MusicBrainz releases with: {'release': 'konklave', 'artist': 'robert harris', 'tracks': '61'}
Requesting MusicBrainz release ef441de2-de8a-4033-bbd9-751c8acdf161
secondary MB release type(s): audiobook
Sending event: albuminfo_received
Candidate: Robert Harris - Konklave (ef441de2-de8a-4033-bbd9-751c8acdf161)
No tracks.

The “No tracks.” only happens when it is a “Data CD”. After I changed this to CD it worked smoothly:

Searching for MusicBrainz releases with: {'release': 'konklave', 'artist': 'robert harris', 'tracks': '61'}
Requesting MusicBrainz release ef441de2-de8a-4033-bbd9-751c8acdf161
secondary MB release type(s): audiobook
Sending event: albuminfo_received
Candidate: Robert Harris - Konklave (ef441de2-de8a-4033-bbd9-751c8acdf161)
Computing track assignment...
Success. Distance: 0.00

As Musicbrainz Picard makes it properly, I assume this is an issue of beets, and should be resolved within beet? Or is this wanted, that Data CDs are handled differently?

Best regards,

Maybe try turning ignore_data_tracks off?

Thanks for the hint. As
ignore_data_tracks: yes
is the default, I expected this to directly work. But, it didn’t.

There is still “no tracks” at the end, and the right musicbrainz release is still not in the list.

So no change in the behaviour, if I add
ignore_data_tracks: no
to the config.yaml or not.

The tracks are MP3s (not data tracks) but the MP3s are on a Data CD. So this might be a different issue, than the data tracks.

Shall I file a bug report? Or do you have any more ideas? I’m always open for any suggestion!

Can you please include your config file? Are you sure you have the ignore_data_tracks option in the right section?

My config.yaml (maybe I should put it in the match section???):

    copy: yes
    move: yes #only enable, when everything runs smooth! it overrides copy
    write: yes
    log: beetslog.txt
    languages: de

asciify_paths: yes
art_filename: folder
#per_disc_numbering: yes #comment this (or set to no) for Hoerbucher & Kinder!!!

ignore_data_tracks: no

#Threaded: no # uncomment "Threaded: no" only for debugging of the autotagger


plugins: copyartifacts the inline convert

# COPYARTIFACTS3 plugin - also move PDFs & log files + all images to new folder:
    extensions: .log .pdf .jpg .png .gif
    print_ignored: yes

# THE plugin
    a: no

# INLINE plugin
    is_hr_item: 1 if int(samplerate) > 44100 else 0
    multidisc: 1 if int(disctotal) > 1 else 0

# CONVERT plugin
    never_convert_lossy_files: yes
    copy_album_art: yes
    embed: no
    album_art_maxwidth: 800
    dest: /share/MD0_DATA/Multimedia/Import/CONVERTED
            command: ffmpeg -i $source -sample_fmt s16 -ar 44100 $dest
            extension: flac

            command: /share/MD0_DATA/Backup/BEET/ $source $dest
            extension: mp3


    hr_samplerate: |
        total = 0
        max_samplerate = 0
        for item in items:
            total +=item.samplerate
            if item.samplerate > max_samplerate:
                max_samplerate = item.samplerate 
        hrs = total / len(items)
        return int(max_samplerate / 1000) if hrs > 44100 else 0      

    color: yes

    strong_rec_thresh: 0.15
        countries: ['DE', 'XE', 'US', 'GB|UK']
        media: ['Digital Media|File','CD']
    ignored_media: ['Data CD', 'DVD', 'DVD-Video', 'Blu-ray', 'HD-DVD', 'VCD', 'SVCD', 'UMD', 'VHS', '12" Vinyl']
        missing_tracks: strong
        unmatched_tracks: strong
        track_id: low
        catalognum: low
        label: low

    searchlimit: 15

### PATHS ###
    # default PATH to start with: 
    # %if{$hr_samplerate,HighRes/,Musik/}%ifdef{mb_albumid,/,_no_musicbrainz/}%the{$albumartist}%ifdef{year,_${year}}_-_${album}%aunique{}%ifdef{genre,_${genre},_NO_GENRE}_${format}%if{$hr_samplerate,${hr_samplerate}kHz${bitdepth}}/%if{$multidisc,${disc}-}$track $title

    genre:Kinderserie: Kinder/%ifdef{mb_albumid,/,_no_musicbrainz/}%the{$albumartist}/${album}%aunique{}%ifdef{year,_${year}}_${format}/%if{$multidisc,${disc}-}$track $title
    genre:Kinder: Kinder/%ifdef{mb_albumid,/,_no_musicbrainz/}%the{$albumartist}%ifdef{year,_${year}}_-_${album}%aunique{}_${format}/%if{$multidisc,${disc}-}$track $title

    genre:Hörbuchserie: Horbuch/%ifdef{mb_albumid,/,_no_musicbrainz/}%the{$albumartist}/${album}%aunique{}%ifdef{year,_${year}}_${format}/%if{$multidisc,${disc}-}$track $title
    genre:Hörbuch: Horbuch/%ifdef{mb_albumid,/,_no_musicbrainz/}%the{$albumartist}%ifdef{year,_${year}}_-_${album}%aunique{}%ifdef{genre,_${genre}}_${format}/%if{$multidisc,${disc}-}$track $title
    genre:Komödie: Horbuch/%ifdef{mb_albumid,/,_no_musicbrainz/}%the{$albumartist}%ifdef{year,_${year}}_-_${album}%aunique{}%ifdef{genre,_${genre}}_${format}/%if{$multidisc,${disc}-}$track $title
    genre:Psychologie: Horbuch/%ifdef{mb_albumid,/,_no_musicbrainz/}%the{$albumartist}%ifdef{year,_${year}}_-_${album}%aunique{}%ifdef{genre,_${genre}}_${format}/%if{$multidisc,${disc}-}$track $title
    genre:Meditation: Horbuch/%ifdef{mb_albumid,/,_no_musicbrainz/}%the{$albumartist}%ifdef{year,_${year}}_-_${album}%aunique{}%ifdef{genre,_${genre}}_${format}/%if{$multidisc,${disc}-}$track $title

    default: %if{$hr_samplerate,HighRes/,Musik/}%ifdef{mb_albumid,/,_no_musicbrainz/}%the{$albumartist}%ifdef{year,_${year}}_-_${album}%aunique{}%ifdef{genre,_${genre},_NO_GENRE}_${format}%if{$hr_samplerate,${hr_samplerate}kHz${bitdepth}}/%if{$multidisc,${disc}-}$track $title
    singleton: SingleSongs/%ifdef{mb_trackid,/,_no_musicbrainz/}${artist}_-_${title}/${artist}_-_${title}%ifdef{genre,_${genre},_NO_GENRE}%ifdef{year,_${year}}_${format}%if{$is_hr_item,${samplerate}${bitdepth}}
    comp: %if{$hr_samplerate,HighRes/,Musik/}%ifdef{mb_albumid,/,_no_musicbrainz/}Compilation%ifdef{year,_${year}}_-_${album}%aunique{}%ifdef{genre,_${genre},_NO_GENRE}_${format}%if{$hr_samplerate,${hr_samplerate}kHz${bitdepth}}/%if{$multidisc,${disc}-}$track $title
    albumtype:soundtrack: %if{$hr_samplerate,HighRes/,Musik/}%ifdef{mb_albumid,/,_no_musicbrainz/}Soundtrack%ifdef{year,_${year}}_-_${album}%aunique{}%ifdef{genre,_${genre},_NO_GENRE}_${format}%if{$hr_samplerate,${hr_samplerate}kHz${bitdepth}}/%if{$multidisc,${disc}-}$track $title

Yes, as the docs indicate.

No changes in behaviour, if I set it to as first line in the match section…

    ignore_data_tracks: no
    strong_rec_thresh: 0.15
        countries: ['DE', 'XE', 'US', 'GB|UK']
        media: ['Digital Media|File','CD']
    ignored_media: ['Data CD', 'DVD', 'DVD-Video', 'Blu-ray', 'HD-DVD', 'VCD', 'SVCD', 'UMD', 'VHS', '12" Vinyl']
        missing_tracks: strong
        unmatched_tracks: strong
        track_id: low
        catalognum: low
        label: low


Sometimes I’m blind looking through config files…

After I removed the ‘Data CD’ from the ignored_media, everything worked fine - of course!

Thanks for the hints and help, anyway.