Beet imp with configured languages uses no alias from musicbrainz

I am a new user and couldn’t solve language problems with musicbrainz.


I am using beets on debian stretch

Distributor ID:	Debian
Description:	Debian GNU/Linux 9.2 (stretch)
Release:	9.2
Codename:	stretch

beets version 1.3.18
plugins: convert, smartplaylist 

I configured beet to use “de en” as languages for import :

languages: en de es

plugins: convert smartplaylist

    languages: de en
    media: CD
per_disc_numbering: yes

here is an alias defined for example for the russian name of “Evgeni Koroliov” in musicbrainz.

I defined an alias as well in the release title

However, beets always imports with the kyrillic original.

 beet imp -S 7c9ebc9b-8e17-4830-aec9-af51b9eebdc8 French_Suites__BWV_812-817/

/marvin/mucke/beetOutput/Johann_Sebastian_Bach__Евгений_Александрович_Королёв/French_Suites__BWV_812-817 (39 items)
    Johann Sebastian Bach; Евгений Александрович Королёв - French Suites, BWV 812-817
(Similarity: 72.7%) (missing tracks) (3xCD, 2007, DE, TACET)

So, what is wrong ?
Do you have any hint for me ?


Hi! I think the alias needs additional metadata, such as the language and the alias type. For example, here are the aliases for an artist that usually works in beets:

Hi Adrian,
I added a German-locale now and as soon as it is confirmed, I can test it.
Anyway, I expected the solution last evening when I took a first glance into the artist alias dialogue of mb.

Thank you !

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Hi Adrian,

yesterday I added a new alias for German
Today I set also “Type” to “Legal name”.

Anyway, beets still insists in

Correcting tags from:
Johann Sebastian Bach - French Suites
Johann Sebastian Bach; Евгений Александрович Королёв - French Suites, BWV 812-817

I’m afraid, I haven’t got it yet.

I just did a check with Picard (which I use the almost the first time) and I got for example:


The server delivers the alias already. Not in "album artist, but in “albuminterpret” and in “albumartist_credit” .

That is why I thought it might be an error of my config and changed the general path to $albumartist_credit as well:

default: $albumartist_credit/$album%aunique{}/$disc-$track $title
comp: Compilations/$album%aunique{}/$disc-$track $title
dest: ~/converted_music
never_convert_lossy_files: no
album_art_maxwidth: 0
format: mp3
auto: no
threads: 4
copy_album_art: no
max_bitrate: 500

paths: {}
pretend: no
quiet: no
        command: ffmpeg -i $source -y -vn -acodec alac $dest
        extension: m4a
        command: ffmpeg -i $source -y -vn -acodec libfaac -aq 100 $dest
        extension: m4a
    opus: ffmpeg -i $source -y -vn -acodec libopus -ab 96k $dest
    mp3: ffmpeg -i $source -y -vn -aq 2 $dest
    flac: ffmpeg -i $source -y -vn -acodec flac $dest
    ogg: ffmpeg -i $source -y -vn -acodec libvorbis -aq 3 $dest
    wma: ffmpeg -i $source -y -vn -acodec wmav2 -vn $dest
embed: yes

log: /marvin/mucke/beet.log
relative_to: /marvin/mucke/beetOutput
playlist_dir: ~/playlists
playlists: [{query: ‘genre::[Cc]lass|[Kk]lass|Barock|Chamber|Choral|Chorus|Gitarre|Guitar|Klavier|Medieval|Oper|Orchest|Renaiss’, name: klassik.m3u}]
auto: yes

’ ': _
‘[\/]’: _
^.: _
‘[\x00-\x1f]’: _
‘[<>:"?*|;,.]’: _
‘[()]’: __
.$: _
\s+$: ‘’
^\s+: ‘’
‘&’: _
languages: en de es

plugins: convert smartplaylist
directory: /marvin/mucke/beetOutput

languages: de en
media: CD
per_disc_numbering: yes

I’m afraid, it didn’t help

From "‘beets’ point of view the naming resolves like that

~$ beet ls French Suite BWV 817 -a  -f '$albumartist | $albumartist_credit | $albuminterpret | $album'
Johann Sebastian Bach; Евгений Александрович Королёв | Johann Sebastian Bach; Evgeni Koroliov | $albuminterpret | French Suites, BWV 812-817

So, albuminterpret is a valid field only in picard.

I correct me:
$albumartist_credit worked for me after removing, deleting the files and importing the release with beets again !

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