Hello, I have been using beets for quite some time and everything been working well, changed to a new PC and I was just setting up and importing some albums however it seems that I’m having an error with scrub plugin, its not all the time, most of the file imports do not have any errors however I was wondering what could be the cause:
scrub: auto-scrubbing C:\Users\Griff\Music\Musica\Ayreon\1995 - The Final Experiment [FLAC]\14 - Swan Song.flac
scrub: writing new tags after scrub
Sending event: write
Sending event: after_write
scrub: restoring art
scrub: could not write tags: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\Griff\\Music\\Musica\\Ayreon\\1995 - The Final Experiment [FLAC]\\14 - Swan Song.flac'
scrub: auto-scrubbing C:\Users\Griff\Music\Musica\Ayreon\1995 - The Final Experiment [FLAC]\15 - Ayreon's Fate.flac
scrub: writing new tags after scrub
Sending event: write
Sending event: after_write
scrub: restoring art
Sending event: art_set
Sending event: database_change
Sending event: album_imported
Sending event: import
Sending event: cli_exit
As you can see, only one file seems to have the issue however the other are alright, I also have the full verbose but I thought it would be too long to send, I can send it however if it is needed
Plus my config I do admit that I have been fiddling with it before running the imports but it was to add the albumtypes plugin and add the format type for the albums :
directory: ~\Music\
library: ~\Music\library.db
move: no
copy: yes
write: yes
resume: ask
incremental: yes
languages: en es jp
duplicate_action: ask
bell: yes
terminal_width: 90
color: yes
text_success: green
text_warning: yellow
text_error: red
text_highlight: red
text_highlight_minor: lightgray
action_default: turquoise
action: blue
original_date: no
per_disc_numbering: yes
threaded: yes
strong_rec_thresh: 0.04
plugins: fetchart albumtypes discogs scrub inline lastgenre spotify info
auto: yes
minwidth: 600
enforce_ratio: yes
cautious: true
source_weight: 0.5
auto: yes
- ep: 'EP'
- single: 'Single'
- soundtrack: 'OST'
- compilation: 'Compilation'
ignore_va: compilation
bracket: '[]'
multidisc: 1 if disctotal > 1 else 0
format: |
formatList = []
for item in items:
return formatList
count: 3
source: album
whitelist: C:\Users\Griff\.config\beets\genres.txt
canonical: C:\Users\Griff\.config\beets\genres-tree.yaml
fallback: ''
separator: '; '
default: Musica/$albumartist/$original_year - %title{$album} %aunique{}$atypes[$format]/%if{$multidisc,Disc $disc/}$track - $title
comp: Musica/Varios Artistas/$original_year - $album $atypes /$track - $title
albumtype:soundtrack: Soundtracks/$album [$format]/$track - $title
singleton: Musica/$albumartist/$original_year - $album $atypes[$format]/$title