'error reading' error after convert using libvorbis

Hello there, I’m running the LinuxServer’s Beets docker container and I’m having issues converting FLAC files to Vorbis using libvorbis. Everytime I run the convert command I get the error:

convert: Encoding /music/electronic/The Prodigy/Music for the Jilted Generation (1994) [CD-FLAC]/01. Intro.flac
convert: Finished encoding /music/electronic/The Prodigy/Music for the Jilted Generation (1994) [CD-FLAC]/01. Intro.flac
error reading /transcodes/electronic/The Prodigy/Music for the Jilted Generation (1994) [CD-Vorbis-q4]/01. Intro.ogg: b’/transcodes/electronic/The Prodigy/Music for the Jilted Generation (1994) [CD-Vorbis-q4]/01. Intro.ogg’: of mutagen type OggTheora

here’s the convert part of the yaml

    auto: no
    copy_album_art: yes
    dest: /transcodes
    embed: yes
    never_convert_lossy_files: yes
    quiet: false
    ffmpeg: /usr/bin/ffmpeg
    format: vorbis
    opts: -acodec libvorbis -aq 4
    threads: 4
        default: %if{$genre,$genre,00_no_genre}/$albumartist/$album%if{$original_year, ($original_year)} [%if{$mediatype,$mediatype-}%if{$v_mp3,MP3,Vorbis-q4}] %if{$v_year_diff,%if{$albumdisambig,{$year $albumdisambig$},($year)},%if{$albumdisambig, {$albumdisambig$}}}/%if{$multidisc,disc$disc_1_char/}$track. $title

-vv doesn’t return more useful information.

The new Vorbis files are created.

The issue seems related to the opts part. When commenting out the part, there’s no error displayed on the screen, but I think then the conversion isn’t made with libvorbis. I also tried opts: -codec:a libvorbis -qscale:a 4 but I’m getting the same error.

I’m not sure how to troubleshoot the issue further. Any help would be appreciated.
