I am a new beets user needing some assistance, I am trying to setup beets so it does not add feat to the folder name at all but cannot find a way to do this. I tried the plugin FtInTitle but does not seem to do what I want. Appreciate any help you can give.
Thanks for replying mate, I have seen that but I do not understand what the actual answer to my problem is? I do not see what I need to add to my config.
Currently there is not an easy way to do this, and the best way seems to be with the inline plugin. I would read through the links posted in the topic I mentioned to get an idea of possible solutions to see what may or may not work for you. I’m sorry I don’t have a better answer right now, maybe someone else could chime in too if they do.
Thanks mate I appreciate the reply, I think I have found a way to do what I need without changing the folder name so should be fine. Really loving beets right now just getting used to how it does things.