Organization problems with multiple album artists

Hi! I’m having some issues with albums that include more than one album artist.
For the sake of an example, I’m going to use the album Pullhair Rubeye by Avey Tare and Kría Brekkan. The files are tagged with both Avey Tare and Kría Brekken as album artists, as shown here in Puddletag:

However, when importing the album into my library, it seems to only acknowledge Avey Tare:

How do I fix this?
Here’s my config:

directory: /media/DRIVE2/organizedmusic
library: ~/Music/musiclibrary.db
asciify_paths: yes
artist_credit: yes
per_disc_numbering: yes
clutter: ["Thumbs.DB","DS_Store",".m3u",".cue",".pls",".jpg",".png",".url",".nfo", "Cover.jpg", "Cover.png"]

#importer options

    move: yes
    autotag: no
    bell: yes

#path format configuration

    default:  %the{$albumartist}/($year%if{$day,-$month-$day,%if{$month,-$month}}) - $album/%if{$disc,Disc $disc %if{$disctitle,- $disctitle}/,%if{$disctitle,$disctitle/}}%if{$disc,$disc-}$track - $title
    singleton: %the{$albumartist}/($year%if{$day,-$month-$day,%if{$month,-$month}}) - $title/$title
    comp: Various Artists/($year%if{$day,-$month-$day,%if{$month,-$month}}) - $album/%if{$disc,Disc $disc %if{$disctitle,- $disctitle}/,%if{$disctitle,$disctitle/}}%if{$artist,$artist - }%if{$disc,$disc-}$track - $title

plugins: the zero

    patterns: [^Os ^As ^O ^A ^El ^La ^Lo ^Los ^Les ^Der ^Die ^Das ^Des ^Dem ^Den ^Le ^La ^Les]

    keep_fields: day month year genre disc disctitle track title albumartist artist images
    update_database: true```

Are you getting the tags from musicbrainz? I thought MB does multi artists as a single artist. ex. Release group “Watch the Throne” by Jay‐Z & Kanye West - MusicBrainz

For the devs, I believe beets has an existing issue with values that can take a list, but being materialized as just the first value.

I’m not getting them from MusicBrainz, due to personal preference. Not that I distrust MusicBrainz’s database, I just prefer to do things manually. The way I have my music files organized is so that albums with multiple album artists pop up in both the individual artists’ pages, rather than just one or the other or a separate “album artist” all together. Just personal preference.