Hi! I’m having some issues with albums that include more than one album artist.
For the sake of an example, I’m going to use the album Pullhair Rubeye by Avey Tare and Kría Brekkan. The files are tagged with both Avey Tare and Kría Brekken as album artists, as shown here in Puddletag:
However, when importing the album into my library, it seems to only acknowledge Avey Tare:
How do I fix this?
Here’s my config:
directory: /media/DRIVE2/organizedmusic
library: ~/Music/musiclibrary.db
asciify_paths: yes
artist_credit: yes
per_disc_numbering: yes
clutter: ["Thumbs.DB","DS_Store",".m3u",".cue",".pls",".jpg",".png",".url",".nfo", "Cover.jpg", "Cover.png"]
#importer options
move: yes
autotag: no
bell: yes
#path format configuration
default: %the{$albumartist}/($year%if{$day,-$month-$day,%if{$month,-$month}}) - $album/%if{$disc,Disc $disc %if{$disctitle,- $disctitle}/,%if{$disctitle,$disctitle/}}%if{$disc,$disc-}$track - $title
singleton: %the{$albumartist}/($year%if{$day,-$month-$day,%if{$month,-$month}}) - $title/$title
comp: Various Artists/($year%if{$day,-$month-$day,%if{$month,-$month}}) - $album/%if{$disc,Disc $disc %if{$disctitle,- $disctitle}/,%if{$disctitle,$disctitle/}}%if{$artist,$artist - }%if{$disc,$disc-}$track - $title
plugins: the zero
patterns: [^Os ^As ^O ^A ^El ^La ^Lo ^Los ^Les ^Der ^Die ^Das ^Des ^Dem ^Den ^Le ^La ^Les]
keep_fields: day month year genre disc disctitle track title albumartist artist images
update_database: true```