Multiple Artists in Beets vs Picard

I have started using beets and also Picard to test the possibility to automatize the tagging of new music of my library and maybe retag the entire library according to musicbrainz database.

I have noted that the management of multiple artists in beets compared to Picard is different. The way I expect both tools to tag is using the “artist” tag for the main artist plus the featured artists with the “feat.” join phrase. For some releases, beets puts the multiple artists in different “artists” tag. For other releases, it does not but in the other hand Picard is consistent with using the “artists” tag. For example, in the release in the screenshots you can see the difference between Image 1 (using beets" and Image 2 (using picard). Checking the release on Musicbrainz, the artists are correctly separated (Image 3).