Well, that (depending on exactly what you mean) is what importing does, even if you don’t convert. You could try configuring it to not copy/move, or import first and then run the beet convert command separately?
when i change copy and move = false the script without the convert plugin will save the tags to the file in its source dir/file. As soon as i throw in the convert plugin it makes a mp3 in the Complete folder and the directory names are named for the path. So the new path is /DATA/lidarr/Complete/_/DATA/lidarr/Compete.mp3
Aha! Sorry for being slow; now I finally understand what you’re trying to do. For future reference, this kind of detail (which plugins you’re using, which config options you’ve tried, etc.) would be very useful to include in the original post.
Thank you for your reply. OK so currently not possible to convert with beets, a file in its place without touching the original folder structure or filenames?