A (reasonably) new commandline UI for Beets!

Hey so sorry for the long delay! We found a bug in the new ui but I’m now happy to report that one is fixed! But, we still need your help!

For those who’d like to test my new UI, here’s a quick summary:
First, make sure you’ve uninstalled beets via your normal route, make sure to keep copies of your database and config files!
Clone my branch of the beets repository:

git clone git@github.com:davidswarbrick/beets.git

Go into your newly cloned folder, and switch to the ui branch:

cd beets
git checkout ui

Then, install beets using pip from that folder:

pip install -e .

You may get some errors about your pip install being centrally managed (I do on the latest version of Arch Linux), ways around this include using virtual environments but will ultimately be system dependent.
If you’ve installed beets system-wide, you can check it’s working by a version check:

$ beet --version
beets version 1.6.1
Python version 3.11.3
plugins: bpd, bucket, convert, discogs, ...

Alternatively, if you’re in a virtual environment, you might need to use python’s module syntax to run the same check:

$ python -m beets --version
beets version 1.6.1
Python version 3.11.3
plugins: bpd, bucket, convert, discogs, ...

Now, try and import some new tracks or albums to your library!
All being well, you should see a shiny new UI, please post screenshots in this thread, and any feedback about things you do/don’t like. Any bugs would be greatly appreciate on the Pull Request so they can receive proper fixes & reviews.

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