What are your replace patterns?

I am totally new to Beets and it’s pretty awesome.
I did a test run and I noticed that many symbols (like : and ! ) got reeplaced with underscores because of the default config values. That’s not what I want, but I was wondering what people’s replacement config looks like, what works best for you?


I use:

    '[\\/]': _
    '^\.': _
    '[\x00-\x1f]': _
    '[<>:"\?\*\|]': _
    '\.$': _
    '\s+$': ''
    '^\s+': ''
    '[\u2010-\u2015]': '-'
    '^-': _
    '[…]': '...'
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Hi. It’s an old thread, but, can I ask you, how to use these replace regex in the path on the albums?
For example, a have problem with the path “The Cinematic Orchestra - 2012 - In Motion #1” in a NAS.


AFAIK the replacements happen for both file names and paths. What’s the problem? The #? None of my rules would replace that with anything.

Ohh I see. Yes, # is the problem. And many more. I run beet on ubuntu, but the music files are on a network drive on a NAS. Surely that complicates things. I’ll fine-tune the ‘replace’.