Multidisk problem

After a lot of reading and trying , finally more or less came to a solution of an album that contains multiple CDs .
But there remains something that I can’t figure out where it is.
Example :
Jesus Christ Superstar is an album with two cd’s but with a beet import it is written as
Jesus Christ Superstar 1 with Cd1 and Jesus Christ Superstar 2 with cd2, instead of Jesus Christ Superstar cd1 and cd2
The same thing happens with the cd GRRR by the Rolling Stones
On this album cd1 2 3 4 and five and number 6 are listed as Vinyl 6 .
The cd’ 1 to 5 are imported as if GRRR2 and the Vinyl already GRRR1

default: %asciify{$albumartist}/%asciify{$album}%aunique{}/%if{$multidisc,Disc $disc/} %asciify{$albumartist} - %asciify{$album} $track - %asciify{$title}
multidisc: 1 if disctotal > 1 else 0
singleton: Non-Album/%asciify{$artist}/%asciify{$title}
comp:Compilations/%asciify{$album}%aunique{}/$track %asciify{$title}

Translated with DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator (free version)

What is the actual question here? Sorry it is very difficult to read and understand what this all is about.

Pleas try to rephrase :slight_smile: Thanks!

Jesus Christ Superstar is an album with two cd’s but with
Must be writeen as
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Jesus Christ Superstar
But Beet makes it
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Jesus Christ Superstar 1 /tracks tracks
Jesus Christ Superstar 2 /tracks tracks

and that is not as I have it when I do the import

Please post the link to the source beets is pulling the information from! (If you are using musicbrainz as the source plugin, post the musicbrainz link to the release. If you use discogs as the source plugin, post the discogs link to the release.)
