Help fetching discogs 'Style' and mapping to write to "Genre" field


Oops, I got it too, so it’s wonky depending on that input, in this case B12 is prolly the culprit.

If I change the same file back to Peer Du - Jamson, it finds it.

We’re already hacking the script by altering it, so just know this could happen on short/strange input, I guess. Can’t support it either.

Thanks anyway for all the help! :slight_smile:

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I just wanted to share you the great news, we made a new Discogs Tagger, which supports Windows, Linux & macOS + is able to fetch from Master + Release, Genre + Styles, so will fix all your trouble =)
Check it out here.

@kuher I was after the same thing and I’ve found a very simple solution. All you have to do is edit the file in the beetsplug folder by flipping the references to styles and genre at around line 320 so it reads:

genre = self.format(‘styles’))

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